Karl Pfefferle Gallery
Reichenbachstraße 47 - 49 Rgb
80469 München
Fon 0049 89 297969
Fax 0049 89 2913571
The Karl Pfefferle Gallery was founded in 1983 and from the very beginning it applied itself with great energy to all aspects of Modern Art. In the first decade the Gallery represented artists of the New Figurative Painting. Since the 1990s the Gallery has increasingly directed itself towards a more conceptually aligned painting style.
The Pfefferle Gallery belongs to a community of interests called “Galleries at Gärtner Place”. The alliance of ten galleries all around the Gärnterplatz in Munich commonly sends out invitations to private viewings, and every summer organizes a special themed exhibition.
The following artists are represented in the Gallery: Bernd Zimmer, Rainer Fetting, Strawalde, Jiri Georg Dokoupil, Ekrem Yalcindag, Martin Disler, Leif Trenkler, Siegfried Anzinger, William Eggleston, Alighiero e Boetti, Hughie O'Donoghue, Franziska Kneidl, Sigmar Polke, Tony Scherman, Peter Schuyff, Astrid Stricker, Ingo Maurer, Klaudia Schifferle.
Detailed information on the current exhibitions and the artists represented therein can be found at the Gallery’s website www.galeriekarlpfefferle.de. |